

1 Month in Siargao

Before you arrive


Siargao is pricey compared to the rest of the Philipines. When I landed I was payingn aorund $45aud a night for a private room, shared bathroom. 

Later I was offered a whole appartment, by family of current hostel, which was amazing.


(Apartment I enjoyed the most)

Contact: +63 966 754 3971 (WhatsApp)

Dawn Patrol

(Hostel I first stayed)


General Luna Area

Most popular surf area on Siargao, small city. very touristy, good surf and food otions.

I avoided some of the most popular breaks, as I dont like crowds (Cloud 9). 

Generally, I would hire a boat ($20 per trip) dived by 2 or 3 people and go out to a reef break at 5/6am where there was no one else surfing until 7/8am.

I would let the boat captain decide which break to visit, or we would visit a few and see how they are. There always seemed to be somewhere working.

Board Rental


I surfed with many beginners or intermediate surfers who had surf coaches, and they looked GREAT and affordable! If you thinking about getting a caoch, I think its a really good place ot do it. Even if its just helping you know where to sit and get on the wave. Some caoches are better then others, I've asked for a contact I can share here that. WIll update later.

Bujo Catulay - I surfed with him, while he coached a friend of mine. He is good! His wife runs his fb, which is best way to reach him - link here

Alvin, Boat Captain: +63 912 632 9205

Boat leaves from here


Reef Break 5min boatride out from the famous Cloud 9. Boat access only, so not super populated.

Rock Island

An Island about 10min boatride out from General Luna


45min drive  from General Luna by Scooter.  Beach break, not as crowded as General Luna. Worth the drive.


Recommendations of places to eat by Dawn Patrol. Their recommendations always hit hard. 

Shout out to Rana @ Dawn Patrol