
Working for inclusion

Brennan is the founder and CTO at Equal Reality, creative empathy, diversity and inclusion training in virtual reality to step into the shoes of minorities and experience discrimination. Since starting Equal Reality, Brennan has been honored with numerous prestigious awards and titles. Including

Brennan spent the first 10 years of his career learning how to create realities. From the age of 14, he was programming interactive virtual worlds and simulating realities.

While studying computer science at University of Wollongong, Brennan was scouted by Silicon Valley based Meta to be employee #7, and create Augmented Reality glasses.

After spending 3 years at Meta, and helping the company launch 2 products and raise USD$72M to build the future of computer interactions, Brennan left to spend 2 years looking for the best impact he could have one the world, volunteering, teaching, starting several social impact companies, and experimenting with pushing the limits of technology.

It was this exploration that lead Brennan to meet the team and start Equal Reality.

Brennan has been feature in over 70 publishing from live TV interviews, radios, and international press.

He proudly dedicates his life to, and stands for

  • Inclusion, Equality, Equity, Access to opportunity.

  • Truth, Honesty, Transparency & Openness, Communication.

  • Scaling Human Potential through Innovation.

Brennan spends his free time:

  • Saving lives as a volunteer on Australian Beaches for Surf Life Saving Australia,

  • Making art in the form of games, paintings, videos, photography, music, film and more.

  • Team sports like surf boat rowing, soccer, netball, tennis, canyoning &

  • mountaineering.

  • Meditation sports like climbing, free-diving, cliff jumping

  • Flow sports like surf life saving sports, surfing, skating, dancing & beat saber.


Serial social entrepreneurship.

Equal Reality - Diversity and Inclusion Training in Virtual Reality. Co-Founder & CTO

Meta - Augmented Reality Glasses. Employee #7, raised $72MM, valued at $100MM

Community Building

See my Community page

Product Development / Business Problem Solving

Technology for solving problems


See my Software Development page

You can see my old portfolio here, although it is out of date