Marco Polo

Feb 10th - March 5th. Adelaide Fringe Festival Praxis ARTSPACE

This interactive exhibition examines contemporary space through the juxtaposition of physical and virtual spaces with Virtual Reality, installation and traditional painting. In this exhibition, Breda extends his practice through a bold, bright and fun abstract adaptation of the classic Australian swimming pool game ‘Marco Polo’.

Nostalgically a childhood game, ‘Marco Polo’ is an imaginary game where players are metaphorically blindfolded in a body of water. Traditionally, the blindfolded yells ‘Marco’ in which case the responders yell ‘Polo’ until they reach out and touch a responder. Similarly, this exhibition will see Breda collaborate with award winning leader in VR, Brennan Hatton to showcase an interactive VR experience inspired by these childhood thematics.

Adelaide Fringe Festival

Marco Polo

Project Contemporary ArtSpace Wollongong,
Aug 30th - Sep 11th, 2022

Opening night Friday April 2nd, 6pm.

Presented by Daniel Breda.

Supported by the City of Wollongong / Wollongong CBD

Proudly sponsored by Seeker Brewing. Project Artspace, Crown Wollongong

Fb post

'Melbourne Gallery'

Project Coverage

'Marco Polo' is Breda and Hatton's 5th collaboration together, their history includes Virtual Reality art collaborations displayed on a national level around Australia from Art Edit Magazine to numerus Australian Art Galleries.