Life Direction

2022 is the year I started backing myself how I want others to back me.

2022 Q4 is where I build a community around my goals

Branding. Online Personality.

Entrepreneurship. Equal Reality.

Community. People around me.


What would you like people you respect to say about you?

Fast forward 1, 3, 5 or 10 years from now and you were a fly on the wall and people you respected were talking about you — what would you be overhearing them say about what you’re doing or what you’ve been ‘up to?

Legend: Done. Doing. Will Do. Not Ready


VR & Gaming

"Brennan creates and tells power stories"

"Equal Reality is where VR is truly changing the world, in a massive way"

Brennan’s VR games are truly works of art. Some of the most touching, enjoyable and thought provoking experiences in gaming I’ve had the pleasure to play. He has reshaped the potential of gaming in our society. Brennan helped launch gaming the powerful tool it is today for learning and empathy

"Brennan is a pioneer in VR"

"Unity should use this to show how powerful the software is. This was made in Unity?! This is by far one of the best games a one man army has produce with Unity. Amazing storyline. Major props to you. Truly impressive and inspiring. "

Inclusive Communities

Brennan is a shining example of how anyone can stepup and dedicate themselves to helping others by focusing on communities, both local and global. His work has helped millions of people around the world connect in a way that truely empowers them with understanding for themselves and one another


Brennan thinks differently. He is creative to the core, and simply does things in new ways.

"Whatever Brennan does, he brings his own style to that and changes that thing forever"

"Its clear Brennan's creativity is his secret to being a world leading innovator & entrepreneur"

Human Potential

Brennan is a shining example of human potential, in a way that redefines what is possible but yet inspiringly relatable once achieved. He pushes boundaries in a way that helps others do the same

"I can't believe he does all that. How does he do it? He is clearly very driven and focused"

"He is talented at so many things. It’s like he can do anything he puts his mind to"

Brennan is a great example of how to change the world and live your best life"

"I respect him for his authenticity, creativity and ability to get so much shit done"


"He is such a joy to have around"

The way Brennan absorbs his passions into his lifestyle is inspiring

Brennan has built a life for himself that is simply impressive

"Brennan is a role model for how to do things differently"

Story / Image / Story Telling

Hearing Brennan talk about his life, experiences and attitudes is inspiring, educational and absolutely captivating,

Brennans life is straight out of hollywood

Being around Brennan is more than living in a movie, he is larger than life

It is clear Brennan has shaped such a positive public image by genuinely shaping himself, and by being himself. The Brennan the world see’s simply IS him.

"Brennan manages to always put his best foot forward"

"I think I've heard of you/your work, its great to meet you in person"

"Brennan is one of the most entertaining people I have had the pleasure of meeting"

Relationships / Communication / Vulnerability / Dating

"Brennan's presence and attention removes awkwardness, and creates safety"

Brennan is very easy to be vulnerable around"

"Brennan creates safes spaces where-ever he goes"

"Brennan does the BEST dates I've ever heard of, let alone been on. His life is an adventure and its exciting to be part of it."


"Brennan is one of the best community builders in the world"

"Brennan has built a community of the most interesting people in the world, from creatives, innovators, to social-impactors and change makers. All coming from such a variety of background and places, all pushing the world in massive and wonderful ways, they are tied together through an incredible set of values including, inclusivity, creativity, and ambition"

Nice to have

I would like to do this. I think I can do this, but I have more important things to do.

Fitness & Sex Appeal

Brennan is fucking hot, his confidence and physical fitness is really attractive.

"I love his energy, smile and presence"

"What a great ass"

"What do I have to do to get him to take me home?"

"Brennan knows how to be his best self, in how he dresses, talks and holds himself."

"He knows how to put his best foot forward"
"Its so easy to get lost in his words"

*Something about me being able to give attention in a powerful / earnest / comfortable way

"I love Brennan's hair, it always looks so good. He clearly looks after it"


Pro-tip -- if Brennan Hatton offers to take you on an adventure, go. 🙂

"Brennan consistently has some of the most wild adventures of anyone I've ever heard of"

"Its clear Brennan's takes safety very seriously, despite the extreme activities he does"

On Skating

It has been crazy watching his journey of learning to skate, to being one of the world's most influential skaters. His creative style and community focus built an international movement making skateboard and many other spots more inclusive, friendly, fun, and healthy

"Brennan is the most creative skater I've ever met"

"Brennan could go pro if he wanted, but his existing career is simply to good to give up"

What are you most excited about right now? Or in the coming years?

Game Development

  • I can make games fast and well. I am experienced & skilled

  • Dungeon Train

  • Wilson

  • Clem

Equal Reality

  • Things are fun

  • Things are moving fast

  • Lots of high value tasks. Time well spent / efficient

  • Big opportunities

  • Documentary


  • Learning lots

  • A path to the best me

  • Becoming the person I want to be

  • Move past things holding me back

  • Becoming more assertive

Value Capture

  • Dungeon Train Sales

    • Patreon

  • Equal Reality Sales

    • Products

    • Big Marketing (Doco)


  • Dancing

  • Skating

  • Music

  • ER Tech

  • Game Dev


  • Having fun dating.

  • Exploring Poly & Love.

  • Building high-value friendships

  • Building a fanbase

  • Managing relationships with more intention.

  • My skills to build communities

Skateboarding Inclusive Community

  • Opportunity with key demographics: Age / Trans / Queer / Women

  • People who want to help

  • Community is growing

  • I am skating well, and learning fast

  • Community leadership is open to supporting us

  • I'm in a location good for this

Feeling nearly weightless.

  • Low responsibilities / commitments

  • Loving my work

  • Feeling health

    • Feeding myself well

    • Not eating much processed sugar

  • Control over my life

Building a home

  • Stability

  • Self expression

  • Identity

  • Comfort

What does the ‘future you’ tell you about what happened over the past year?

Tomorrow you’re walking down the street and you get sucked through a time vortex and fall out the other side in the exact same spot, but one year later. You look up and see YOURSELF walking down the street toward you, and your ‘future you’ stops to talk to you. What does the ‘future you’ tell you about what happened over the past year?

You got your shit together. Embraced who you are, and started shaping your image and identity with more intention and skill. You moved past many of the hang-ups holding you back, and started building a following well beyond your personal networks. You started getting a lot of attention to the work you are doing, particularly for Equal Reality, Dungeon Train and your Inclusive Communities.

Why are they so excited?

Big opportunities on the horizon to make the impact I am seeking. Momentum is building. I feel great, confident.

  • Equal Reality is exploding. Revenue sustainable from online sales.

  • Dungeon Train is sustainable and growing.

  • Peroneal Branding is exploding. I have a fan following - patreon & social.

  • I look and feel great.

  • I am learning new things, and I feel talented.

  • Love the people around me, and networks I'm building.

What do they look like?

A unique, powerful, serious, creative look and dressed with intention to that. Something that sticks. In good shape, a big smile and well kept hair. Stands with confidence. Magazine quality look. Like he knows what he wants, and is going to get it.

What are 3 things you’re proud of 1 year from now?

My mental health has skyrocked.

I feel confident beyond words.

I show the respect and value for myself, I deserve

I am able to do more than I ever have before, comfortably.

I love the people around me.

I feel in control

I feel great about my personal image.

I have shaped an excellent image that I am proud of and feel is accurate.

I have a massively global image, shaped with control.

I am confident in who I am in the media, in person and in myself and separating the two

My projects have reached a large audience

100,000 people are using my stuff and its is growing.

Equal Realitys reach is large with the training we do, and in the press.

Millions know of my work, Equal Reality. "You may have heard of me"

What are 3 things you’re proud of 3 years from now?

Equal Reality on its way to being on of VR biggest names

The work we do is well known. Even outside of the industry.

We are in demand.

We can pick and choose our work, with more negotiation power.

We get the recognition we deserve. Awards, Press, Film.

A large fanbase, funding me to do what I love most

They also love what I do so much they want to pay me for it.

More people like Ben, who can afford to support me as much as they want to

"honestly for me i dont expect anything specific just continued devolpement of the game is all i ask if im payin. as for how much i would support? id try to support as much as i can donate. whatever i can afford without issues. right now ten bucks works but if i could afford 1000 bucks i would do it" ~ Ben (TrainWolfy), current Patreon

I am in demand, and my time is valued

High-value people want to work with me, and value me highly.

I am picking and choosing my opportunities wisely, being highly selective.

I know my worth

I am only expected to work on extremely high value tasks.

Assertive, personality, control, comfortable, mental health


2021 - 6 Month Wins


2021 Goals - 6 Month Review
Defining Future Self 2021

Brennan. Tim, March 1, 2021
Brennan, Tim, March 29, 2021
Brennan, Tim, May 31st, 2021
Tim, Brennan, September 30th, 2021

Ending 2021


What are we thankful for in 2021?

What goals or targets have we met, or on track to meet?

Any other thoughts?


New Priorities / Targets / Goals

  1. Review existing targets

  2. Are there things missing?

  3. Are they still relevant?

  4. If not, should they be changed or removed?