
For the last 6 months I've been staying in Amed freediving. Here are some of my recomendations

Before you arrive


Oneway Espresso

Good Stuff

Blue Earth


Melon Cafe

St Bernard

Dive Schools

Apnea Bali has a reputation for being one the best dive schools in the world. World class coaching, and one of the most affordable places to get started.

Their masters program is one of the best things I've done in my life. I did it three times.

2. Fusion

Fusion is the oldest freedive school in bali, and my favourite place to train in Amed. They do freediving and spearfishing.

3. Apnestia

The community center for freediving in Amed. Most affordable training, and closest to the shore in Jemaluk. 


I've been on the Visa On Arrival. So I obivously have never done a single day of work in my life here because that would be illegal. Be careful what you put online!

Visa on arrival is 1 month + you can extend for 1 more month. But after 2 months, you must leave. In the last 6 months I made two visa runs.